Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Session Report Sept 27 - Lost Meeples

Session report Sept 27
Lost Cities, Carcassonne
- Karen, Bill and Pete
- Winners Bill and Pete (Tie)

Bill and Pete tried out Lost Cities on BSW. Fun two player card game that has pretty good ratings. It's actually lots of fun. We didn't keep score. ;-) I highly recommend Lost Cities as a two-player filler game.

Karen Bill and Pete played Carcassonne Princess and Dragon. Collin joined in as a spectator. Nice feature of BSW. We had lots of fun eating Cherry, Lemon and Lime meeples. Now that we understand the rules, it was good fun! Pete had a nice 15 point lead with 28 tiles left. In the end game, pete's ahead by 20 points but bill's hot the fields locked up tight.

-- kayakpete scored 79 points during the game, and in the final scoring 1 points for roads, 0 points for cities, 16 points for cloisters, 0 points with farmers, as well as 0 points for goods.
-- Lamork scored 53 points during the game, and in the final scoring 3 points for roads, 0 points for cities, 7 points for cloisters, 33 points with farmers, as well as 0 points for goods.
-- Amazon4God scored 46 points during the game, and in the final scoring 14 points for roads, 0 points for cities, 0 points for cloisters, 6 points with farmers, as well as 0 points for goods.
-- Excellently, Lamork und kayakpete obliterated the opposition with 96 points. (75:00 min.)

Woah! TIE! Bill 96, Pete 96, Karen 66.

Bill has the Princess and Dragon expansion on his definate buy list now. I agree! Lots of fun munching meeples!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Session report Sept 20
Catan standard 3 player
- Karen, Bill and Pete
- Winner Karen and Bill.

Karen wins game 1 nicely. Bill and Pete got mad and demanded a second game to get revenge.

Bill waltzed away with the second game with an island to his own, and some nice fours. Rock+Wheat build cities strategy.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Session Report: September 13 2006 - Clans

Clans (BSW) (2 games)
- Bill, Karen, Beth, Pete
- Winner Pete, Beth

We played a couple games of Clans. It's fun because it plays quickly.

-- kayakpete won the game impressively. The victory was with 37 points. (21:27 min.)
-- But will [Beth]magennis win the next game so brilliant with 55 points? (14:23 min.)

Catan (Map: A New World (V))
- Collin, Karen, Beth, Pete
- Winner Karen

The map is pretty interesting that is very islandy, and players must place the ports at game beginning. Game progresses pretty evenly with Collin, Karen and Pete tied up to almost the end. 27% of the rolls were bandit! Crazy bandit 5 times in a row and stuff. Fun fun! In the end Karen pulled off largest army for the win.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Session Report: September 6 - Penguins and Clans

Session report September 6

Hey, that's my fish! (BSW) (5 games)
- Bill, Karen, Beth, Pete
- Winners Bill, Pete, Pete, Beth, Beth

We fired up BrettSpielWelt with new BSW comers Beth and Karen. After the normal struggles learning the interface, we got Hey, That's my Fish! Also known as Packeis am Pol. This is a very quick little filler game where you move penguins around a rapidly disintegrating board, catching fish. Watch where you move, so you don't find yourself stranded on a little iceberg with no more fish to catch!

Pete demoed this game at GenCon and thought it would be a nice easy game for starters on BSW. It went over well! Poor Karen, she lost two games to Pete and one to Beth by only 1 fish! Beth caught on quick to win the last two games. She pulled a nice jump on Pete, leaving him stranded early in the final game.

Game 1: Hey! That's my fish! - winner Bill (over Pete)
Game 2: Hey! That's my fish! - winner Pete (over Karen, Beth) Pete by one point over Karen!
Game 3: Hey! That's my fish! - winner Pete (over Beth, bill, Karen) Pete by one point over Karen
Game 4: Hey! That's my fish! - winner Beth win (over Pete, bill, Karen)
Game 5: Hey! That's my fish! - winner Beth win (over Pete, bill, Karen) by 1 over Karen!

Clans (BSW) (1 game)
- Bill, Karen, Pete
- Winner Pete

Ok, we're on a roll. Let's try another new game, now that we have access to the hordes of BSW games. Clans is a nice eurogame that was a Spiel Des Jahres nominee in 2003. It rates a very respectable 6.8 at Boardgamegeek. Check out their Clan Page . True to German game form, this has very simple rules, but great depth of strategy and tactics. It plays quite quickly as well. We finished our first "figuring it out" game in less than 1/2 hour. The fun twist about this game is that you actually are not sure what color your opponents are playing! Also true to eurogame style, the score was close. Pete, perhaps a bit more familiar with the rules, eked out the win. Muahahah.

-- Overwhelmingly, kayakpete dominated the game with 51 points. (25:58 min.)
If you haven't registered for Brettspielwelt, you should do so. Click the link to the right, click on the British flag to get it into English, and register!

Great night of gaming. See you next week!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Session Report: September 5 - Backgammon and Carcasonne on BSW

Session report September 5

Backgammon (BSW)
- Pete and Bill
- Winner Pete.

Bill Challenged Pete to a Backgammon re-match, and warm-up using the BSW interface. BSW can be a little ticky to get used to, that's for sure. Once you learn it, I don't think it's too bad, however. Pete won by about 6 bolts, due to a couple good doubles.

Carcasonne (BSW)
- Pete (kayakpete) and Bill (Lamork)
- Winner Pete.
Gamemaster: lamork sits at position number 2.
Gamemaster: The game begins! (Started by kayakpete; with 2 players).
-- Using Inns and Cathedrals Expansion.
-- Using Traders and Builders Expansion.
-- Using The Princess and the Dragon Expansion.
Pete and Bill tried out Carcasonne on Brettspielwelt. The interface takes a little getting used to, and lacks some nice features we are used to in asobrain. But it does work, and has the Princess and Dragon expansion. It took us a bit to figure it out, but woah - Cool! When a dragon tile shows up this dragon romps around the board and eats your meeples! Gaah! It was a mighty battle. Just when you thought you had a city or field, here comes the dragon to threaten it.

We were a little slow since we had to learn the new interface and rules. But it was worth it:
-- kayakpete scored 160 points during the game, and in the final scoring 0 points for roads, 0 points for cities, 7 points for cloisters, 38 points with farmers, as well as 10 points for goods.
-- lamork scored 162 points during the game, and in the final scoring 0 points for roads, 0 points for cities, 8 points for cloisters, 24 points with farmers, as well as 20 points for goods.
-- The game went pointedly, and produced kayakpete as the winner with 215 points. (80:06 min.)
Final score - Bill: 214, Pete: 215! Pete wins by one point by virtue of a big field that slipped Bills watchful eye.

Session Report: August 30 2006 - Catan

Session report August 30
Catan standard 3 player
- Karen, Beth and pete
- Winner Pete.

Quick 3 player game where Pete did initial placemets last, but ened up with Year of plenty AND road building for a quick looooogest road. Nice even game with everyone at 8 points around the final turn. Pete pulls ahead on resurces with plenty of spots to build settlements. He does so for the win.

Session Report: August 23 2006 - Catan

August.23.2006 -
Settlers of Catan
- Bill+Karen+Beth+Beth
- Winners Bill+Collin

Bill Karen Beth and Charlie played a killer game of Catan. Collin, in his infinite wisdom, decided that it would be a good idea to help Beth out with lots of "sound advice". Unfortunately it was in vain, as Karen romped all over the board, and had kick butt dice rolls. The bandit was on her side, and karma was at 100%! Wait.. that's not right. Karen had all her stuff on 4. And she was gettin' nothing until the end, when her ship came in - the 4 rolled to give her the resources and the game.