Session report Oct 18
Lost Cities (1), Hey, that's my fish! (3), Clans (1)
- Collin, Beth, Pete and Dana
- Winners Collin, Collin, Dana, Pete, Dana
- Looser: Bill, who had to work late.
Ok, so who invited this Dana character anyway? He trapses in here with this "I don't know how to get this going" stuff, and "I don't got skype" hooey. I think we've been hoodwinked!
Welcome Dana!
We finally got Dana (Skype: fineltour) online to play some games with the VBGG. And boy did he. Pete played a quick game of Lost cities as the Collin and Beth came online. Lost cities is a really nice filler game. Easy enough to play. Nice theme. I bet it's more fun with real cards. Well, Dana picked it up quick enough. He clobbered Pete. Pete admits a couple dumb moves, but didn't intentionally throw the game.

4 online, time for a nice warm-up game. It's been a while since we've gamed, so off to Pcakeis am Pol, or Hey that's my Fish! Yeah, well, Hey, that's Fish! After figuring out that you have to place your starter penguins on flows with only 1 fish (silly me), we were off to some good jumpin. Dana once again figured it out pretty quick and won another one. What the heck! Who invited this guy, anyway! In the end Dana won two and Pete won one.
[EDIT 10/19: Oops! Had Dana down for winning 3. He actually one 1, with Collin winning 2. Sorry Collin! -ed]
There is some sort of strategy with this game. And it's not just heading to the biggest piles of fish. That's your tactics tip for the week. Ha ha!
Beth bowed out and da' boyz moved on to a game of Clans. Pete thought he might have another chance to win with these two noobs. Pete had a good strategy: "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that rule". and "Gee, I didn't know it worked like that...". He thought he had a good thing going, but the first village formed without Pete in it. Everyone's at, like, 20 points, and Pete's got zero. Oops! I will admit. Data has a bit of knack for the tactics on an abstract game such as this. Heck, He excels at ANYTHING that doesn't throw DICE.

Ah, but seriously. It's great to have Dana join us at the VBGG. Hope to see him back for our regular weekly sessions. He's just got to get a headset. That barbie talk-o-matic microphone he had wasn't cuttin it. More like cuttin' out, it was. :-D
Perhaps next week we can take a stab at an oldie but goodie with the vbgg: Ticket To Ride. Pete got a renewal on his membership and can once again host games. So be sure to stop by
Days of Wonder and make sure your login is working, you remember the password, or you register! Ticket to Ride is just that much better when you don't have to score your trains. ;-)