Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Session Report: February 21 2007 - Ra's suns melt snow

Ra (Beth, Collin, Bill, Karen, Pete) - Winner Bill
Ra (Beth, Collin, Bill, Karen, Pete) - Winner Collin


It's a big snow melt here in the Land of the Ottawa Indians. Their hearts must have lifted even more than ours do as the weather becomes more bearable. Who did they blame for the cold? Who did they thank for the warmth? Probably not Ra. But maybe the mighty sun?

We turned to Ra, and it's awesome sun disks for a couple rounds of Nile-drenched pharaoh fun. The game plays fast. Fast enough to melt ice, and keep Pete from playing his ukulele between turns. Too bad for Pete, but everyone else was perhaps happy.

Out of the gate, Pete scolds Colin for calling Ra when holding the largest 16 sun disk. Why call Ra when you can win the bigger auction, he thinks. Well, what does Pete know, anyway. Collin fully trounces his final score. But it's Bill whom the sun (or Ra) shines on the brightest - He wins game 1.

Game One:

-- Lamork scores 3 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- Amazon4God scores 0 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- magennis scores 2 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- kayakpete scores -5 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- IceFire2112 scores 2 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).

-- Lamork scores 11 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- Amazon4God scores 2 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- magennis scores 2 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- kayakpete scores 1 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- IceFire2112 scores 13 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).

-- Lamork scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 25 (Total: 49) points.
-- Amazon4God scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 9 (Total: 21) points.
-- magennis scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 16 (Total: 30) points.
-- kayakpete scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 9 (Total: 15) points.
-- IceFire2112 scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 7 (Total: 32) points.
-- Without Lamork's 49 points, the game may never have ended so without equal. (45:14 min.)

Game 2:

Ok. Everyone's warmed up now. Let's play again! Bill seems to have a solid strategy down, and bids quickly, while everyone else ponders there moves once again in game 2. Decisions are sometimes not easy in Ra. Sometimes ya gotta think.

And smack talk. Pete tries to twist the game his way with a couple "You should by that"'s, and "You'd be wasting your money"'s. He shows better in game 2. A 4-way tie for lowest pharaoh? Ouch.

Gamemaster: The game begins! (Started by IceFire2112; with 5 players).
-- Amazon4God scores 14 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- magennis scores 2 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- IceFire2112 scores 14 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- Lamork scores 4 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- kayakpete scores 10 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).

-- Amazon4God scores 3 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- magennis scores -7 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- IceFire2112 scores 3 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- Lamork scores 0 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- kayakpete scores 1 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).

-- Amazon4God scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 10 (Total: 37) points.
-- magennis scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 29 (Total: 34) points.
-- IceFire2112 scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 11 (Total: 38) points.
-- Lamork scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 15 (Total: 29) points.
-- kayakpete scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 16 (Total: 37) points.
-- The opponents of IceFire2112 had to concede, with 38 points the victory was simply impressively. (41:49 min.)

We are all now getting to understand the game. Simplistic strategies of last week won't work anymore. Everyone, including Ra, sees what you are doing. And you aren't going to get away with it! Look at those second-game points. The spread is 9 points between 5 players, and 4 points between 4. Now that's classic Kinizia-close gaming.

Just wait until the VBGG discovers Puerto Rico. Ooooh man, is that gonna shine!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Session Report February 14 2007 - Valentines Day Invasion

Invade Earth (Mars) Karen, Bill, Dana, Pete - Winner Karen

We've finished our first game of Invade Earth! Play time is a factor with the VBGG's 2 hour schedule. But, with practice, this game could probably be pulled off in that time. We ran a bit over, as we had a false-start trying to load an old game, and a kid succumbing to a bit of the stomach flu in turn 2. Yucky!

In classic risk 2210 style, assemble mods seemed to be the zinger of the day. Dana pulled of a continent in the start, with Pete and Karen very close. Dana quickly found his hold tenuous , and retreated to the moons. Karen, confidently took over a large swath of the board.

Pete had a nice nest, but was a little to aggressive. Choosing not to "spread and defend", he broke a treaty pushed a force against Karen to reduce her lead. Break a treaty with Karen? Bad idea. Pete suffered heavily under Karen's returning wrath.

Karen finished her turn 5 first with a commanding lead. Bill Took it away with some nukes that destroyed some convenient bonus.

Dana, however, pulled out the acient rule: "On Valentines day, Girls Win." A couple well placed nukes toppled bill from the lead, and gave Karen the win.

Good game!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Happy Birthday VBGG - Reflections

Happy 1st Birthday VBGG!

It's been just over one year since we started the Virtual Board Game Group. I would like to thank my gaming friends for the fun week in and week out at our regular sessions. It's been great!

In my reflection, I found myself telling our story. The Podcast, the DiceTower has been having a bit of a discussion about online board gaming. I had to give my two cents. Here's what I said:

Howdy -

I'm a long time listener to the Dice Tower. New to the forums, however!

I thought I would chime in on the current ongoing discussion of Online Gaming, and how it does (or doesn't) support the hobby of Board Gaming.

Online boardgames emulate table-top games very well, except in one regard. As Tom has attested to, the socialization component does not make the transition from the table top to the PC well.

Online gaming does have an advantage, however. It is convenient. There are always games starting and opponents to play against. As a working parent, finding time during the week to game with friends is neigh impossible!

So it's a double-whammy. Socialization mechanisms are lacking in online board gaming and people want quick, convenient, games. Well, that's not a good way to emulate table-top gaming!

My board game group wanted to try to match the table top gaming experience a little closer. We wanted to play with friends. We wanted to chat between turns. We wanted to smack-talk. Yet we wanted the convenience of being able to play during the week, when there was no time to get together face to face.

Enter the VBGG. A year ago I formed an arm of our small gaming group, and called it the Virtual Board Game Group (VBGG). We have played almost every week since it's inception. I believe our success lies in the efforts to promote socialization. Here's what we did:

* Meet once a week, after all kids are put to bed, and chores are done.
* Strictly end gaming at a certain time, as people have work the next morning
* Use Skype to allow voice communications between players
* Blog all activity as an archive, and information tool

This formula has allowed us to not only get a lot more gaming in, but also maintain friendships. We add socialization to Online Gaming, and convenience to our gaming hobby.

Feel free to check out the VBGG Blog at:

I'll post a copy of this note over there, as my group will find it interesting as well. Feel free to leave a comment.


- Kayakpete

Thanks to you all for the good fun AND friendship over the past year. I look forward to the next, as we continue to have fun at the VBGG.

Session Report February 8 2007 - The Delight of Pushing Your Luck

Transamerica (Bill, Pete, Karen, Dana) - Winner Bill
Transamerica (Collin, Bill, Pete, Karen, Dana) - Winner Collin
Ra (Collin, Bill, Pete, Karen, Dana) - Winner UNKNOWN
Ra (Collin, Bill, Pete, Karen, Dana) - Winner Collin

Transamerica for the starting game tonight. Bill walloped us in the first game with some lucky city draws. Or was it luck that his opponents were laying track for him? Perhaps so. All I know is that I (Pete) Got stuck with Boston waaaay in the north east. Ouch!

#1 -- The victory of Lamork was planned brilliant and ended with 13 points. (16:27 min.)

Game Two and I'm stuck in Boston again. Hey, I thought this was a RANDOM draw! This time it's worse... I've got the north-midwest city, and am all alone crossing the great lakes. Meanwile everyone else works together to get out quick.. It's a quick game, as I loose 9 points in a round to end the game quickly. Collin takes it.

#2 -- Wow, IceFire2112 just put it away with 9 points. Gigantically. (16:58 min.)

Back to Ra! Collin suffers through the first learning game, as we teach him some of the subtleties of tactics in the game of Ra. He starts picking it up quickly. I seem to have forgotten to log the winner on this one. I guess we can chalk it up as a learning session anyway.

We play again!

Dana plays a Call-Ra-Lots strategy that seems to actually do rather well for him. Collin struggles with, what I suppose could be termed, noobie bidding woes. When you first start to play Ra, it seems difficult to figure out exactly how much an auction might be worth. When would you bid 5, but not go as high as 7? Tough call to be sure. But that's part of the fun.

Everyone has a good laugh as Dana pushes his luck. The ra track is at 8 and Dana's alone with a free sun disk.. One more Ra tile, and the round's over. He goes from one tile at auction to a full eight, and then proceeds to buy the lot for the #1 sun disk. Sweet!

Not sweet enough. Karen's piles of monuments pushes her into the lead in the end. Well played!

-- kayakpete scores -2 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- Amazon4God scores 8 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- fineltour scores 4 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- IceFire2112 scores 0 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- Lamork scores 0 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).

-- kayakpete scores 3 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- Amazon4God scores 8 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- fineltour scores 8 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- IceFire2112 scores 7 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- Lamork scores 4 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).

-- kayakpete scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 10 (Total: 21) points.
-- Amazon4God scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 18 (Total: 44) points.
-- fineltour scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 16 (Total: 38) points.
-- IceFire2112 scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 15 (Total: 32) points.
-- Lamork scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 13 (Total: 27) points.
-- Significantly, Amazon4God obliterated the opposition with 44 points. (61:12 min.)

Good Good fun!

See you next week!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

VBGG Brettspielwelt How-To

Everyone knows that Brettspielwelt can be a bit overwhelming. The user interface isn't exactly friendly! Here's a quick guilde on how to make your BSW experience just a little better

The Setup:

Register -

It's worth it to register for the BSW. Then your statistics are tracked. If you have two gamers in the same house at the same time, then you MUST be registered.

Click here to Register at Brettspielwelt

Download the Client -

Yes, yes, you can simply go to BSW and play, but you are risking java wackyness! You are much better off downloading the BSW client that has a java virtual machine built in. Here's how to do it.

Note! You should do this BEFORE VBGG game night. The client will connect and update itself. This can take some time!

Once you are in, you need to make a minor toolbar change:

* right-click on the blank part of the toolbar, next to the ? help menu option
* Select configure
* In the right blue box, select Menu
* Click the blue left arrow to move the menu option to your toolbar.
* Click OK
* type /save on the chat line at the bottom of the window

See the Config Tool Help Page for details

If you don't see the bottom chat window, resize your window to be a to be more narrow and more tall. you will see it.

You are now ready to Play!

BSW Navigation Tricks:

Click Menu, select VBGG, and select the option you want, or use the following


/ghook (user) - move to the game table that user is in
/join - join a game
/start - start a game
/reset - reset a game before start
/remove (user) - Remove user from game
/masterreset - reset a started game

Here's a full command list

What was that horrible sounds? What are these chat boxes?

Yeah, turn them off. Click on Channels menu option and uncheck SPV_EN and SPV (QP-F). They are good for meeting other people to play with, but not for the VBGG.

Where can I see my BSW statistics

Check out the site

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Session Report January 31 - Ra? Rah!

Ra (Beth, Bill, Dana Pete) - Winner Beth
Ra (Beth, Bill, Dana Pete) - Winner Pete

Pete had the good fortune to play Ra with Marc and Ernie (his dog) last weekend. Ra ranks very highly at Boardgame Geek. Number 11, in fact! There is a balance in the game that is so very typical of a Reiner Knizia design. Ra takes about 30 minutes to play. Perhaps less, once you are proficient playing.

In game one Pete floundered through getting every up to speed on the game, along with figuring out the BSW interface. As per the norm, it's not obvious how to play. "Where do I click?" is the phrase of the evening. One troublesome part of BSW's implementation is that the tile scoring is not directly at hand. We utilized a Ra pdf scoring sheet found at BGG. The Rules for Ra ar'nt bad either.

But we got it going! in the end, Beth pulled off the win in what might have been a close game? Who knows. Some of Knizia's games are always close.

-- kayakpete scores 0 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- Lamork scores 3 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- fineltour scores 8 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- magennis scores 5 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).

-- kayakpete scores 5 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- Lamork scores -2 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- fineltour scores 0 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- magennis scores 9 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).

-- kayakpete scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 18 (Total: 33) points.
-- Lamork scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 23 (Total: 34) points.
-- fineltour scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 26 (Total: 44) points.
-- magennis scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 22 (Total: 46) points.

-- 46 points let magennis grab the whole thing fantastically! (56:35 min.)

Next round up! In game 2 we were starting to see some of the subtle strategies of Ra come out. Bill managed, for example, to win the 3 highest sun tiles at auction leaving himself for what might be thought of as an excellent position for the next epoch. Pete, however, seemed to call Ra on him with little 3 and 4 tile auction blocks, making it seem a shame to spend his 11, 12 or 13. Tricky!

In the end Pete did well:
-- kayakpete scores 15 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- fineltour scores 3 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- Lamork scores 4 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).
-- magennis scores 2 points in the ancient age (2665 - 2155 B.C.).

-- kayakpete scores 4 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- fineltour scores 1 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- Lamork scores -1 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).
-- magennis scores 3 points in the middle age (2130 - 1650 B.C.).

-- kayakpete scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 26 (Total: 55) points.
-- fineltour scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 10 (Total: 24) points.
-- Lamork scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 18 (Total: 31) points.
-- magennis scores in the modern age (1555 - 1080 B.C.) 20 (Total: 35) points.

-- In an exemplary manner, kayakpete won the game with 55 points. (33:35 min.)

Everyone enjoyed this game, but thought that there might be some advantages to playing face-to-face over the table. Especially for beginners. And, perhaps, with any player interaction game, there's always something lost in the translation to the virtual world. Auction and bluffing games, however, may suffer more so than other games.

Add one more game to the VBGG shelf. Ra! Good fun!

See you next week!