San Juan was the game of choice tonight. Karen, Beth, Dana and Collin played the first game after a long wait to upload BrettSpielWelt. Collin used the chapel strategy and discovered it prevented him from building as fast as the others. Most of us were building a lot of production buildings. Beth ended up winning it in the end with the Guild Hall, a couple of monuments, and City Hall.
-- IceFire2112 erreichte 32 SP, davon 18 SP durch Gebaeude und 7 SP durch grosse Gebaeude. Kapelle: 7
-- magennis erreichte 39 SP, davon 23 SP durch Gebaeude und 16 SP durch grosse Gebaeude.
-- Amazon4God erreichte 34 SP, davon 22 SP durch Gebaeude und 12 SP durch grosse Gebaeude.
-- fineltour erreichte 31 SP, davon 25 SP durch Gebaeude und 6 SP durch grosse Gebaeude.
-- Now magennis has won classy with 39 points! (40:37 min.)
After Dana left, Karen, Collin and Beth played a second game of San Juan. The game changes a bit with three players. Beth had the gold mine which helped a little bit in the first game, but with three players no one selects the role of prospector. Again we saw lots of production buildings and Guild Halls, but Collin didn't see that darn aqueduct card until the very end of the game. Beth ends up winning this game too. Kind of nice since she hasn't been to the Wednesday night VBGG in quite some time.
-- IceFire2112 erreichte 33 SP, davon 19 SP durch Gebaeude und 14 SP durch grosse Gebaeude.
-- magennis erreichte 34 SP, davon 22 SP durch Gebaeude und 12 SP durch grosse Gebaeude.
-- Amazon4God erreichte 25 SP, davon 21 SP durch Gebaeude und 4 SP durch grosse Gebaeude.
-- Excellently, magennis obliterated the opposition with 34 points. (40:10 min.)
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Session Report October 8 2008 - Better late than never
Collin reports:
A short night at the VBGG. Brian, Dana, and Collin showed up ready to play. Bill popped in briefly, but had other fish to fry. So the three players set off on a thrilling ride through the German countryside, playing a game of Thurn und Taxis. Brian got to go first, which in this game can get you at endgame. Collin jumped out with an early hit to have all the white areas and a 7 length train, but Dana kept scoring every chance he got. Collin triggered end game, which meant Brian was done, but Dana had one more turn. With that he completed a small train and got enough bonus points to take the victory. Well played! Scores: Dana 30, Collin 27, Brian 18.
And Dana Reports as well -
I couldn’t make it last week since I was busy learning how to lose at HeroClix, but I did log on last night. Sadly Team Speak was down. I don’t realize how much I prefer Team Speak until it doesn’t work. Anyway, we had three people : Colin, Brian and myself. Both Colin and I wanted to take a swing at T&T. Other than the fact that we kept getting the same city (3 Budweis came up in a row followed by 3 Lodz) which clogged up the available cards, things went well. All three of us went after the “world traveler” bonus, but most of the points seemed to go in big runs. One example was my third score where I played a six long route which completed two “region” bonuses and one of the “length” bonuses. Seemed like all of us built a couple small routes getting set up and then got some big point runs. Colin pulled off a 7 length run which also scored the white “region”. Anyway, lots of fun. We managed to pull off a game in less than an hour. Personally, I wish it was a little shorter so we could have gone two games, but I was pretty wiped out and the wife came home, so I just called it a night. Now if we could only get a couple more people…J
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