Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Session Report Nov 22 - Turkey Train

Session report Nov 22
Ticket To Ride (US) - Dana, Pete - Winner Pete
Ticket To Ride (europe) - Dana, Pete - Winner Pete
Ticket To Ride (europe) - Collin, Beth, Dana, Pete - Winner Dana

3 Games off T2R to take it easy before the Thanksgiving weekend break. Pete trounced Dana with the "build it long and fast" strategy. It seems that you can steal an end game turn or two from your opponent by doing this. In the end game, Dana was stuck needing another turn or two. Pete made a loop east to west, across the bottom of the map, and back through the middle.

Game two on the Europe board, and Pete stuck to build quick, make points, and don't take lots of tickets strategy once again. A bit closer this time, and Pete drained his train yard just one turn before Dana could close more stuff. Another win for Pete

Beth and Collin joined in for the last game of the night on the Europe map. Collin couldn't get cars to the cities he needed, but was the leader on points coming into endgame. The Stockholm 8 length tunnel will do that for ya! Beth and Collin, new to the board, figured out how to build tunnels. The hard way. ;-)

In the end Dana trounced quite handily by using no stations, having only 3 tickets, and well played track. Going out first is a great bonus. He did so and smashed everyone is score.

Woooooo wooo! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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