Sunday, January 07, 2007

Session Report January 3 - Beth's been workin' on da Raaail Roooad

Transamerica (Beth, Collin, Pete) - Winner Beth
Transamerica (Beth, Collin, Pete) - Winner Beth

Woo Woo! Pete taught Beth and Collin Transamerica on Brettspielwelt.

Beth seems to have picked it up quite nicely. The first game took some time as Pete's internet connection crashed. It was a right pain to get things back up, but we eventually did.

-- Incredibly, magennis won the game with 2 points. (53:07 min.)

Ok, now Collin's got it figured out, and we are off to game 2. Lookin' not so good, and Beth quickly plays to a win again!

-- Now magennis has won excellently with 7 points! (17:41 min.)

Well, it's not whether you win or loose, it's how you play the game. Wait a sec. Collin and Pete didn't play the game all that great either! Drat! Well, let me re-phrase that old cliche - It's not whether you win or loose, it's if you had fun.

Well, that we did. Tonight was Beth's night. Enjoy it while it lasts, cuz da boyz gonna be gunnin' fer ya after this woopin'! ;-)


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