Friday, March 02, 2007

Session Report February 28 2007 - BSW Domestic Disturbance

Transamerica (Dana, Bill, Karen) Winner - Felix
Transamerica (Dana, Bill, Karen) Winner - Phoebee

We started off with some excitement to move to Puerto Rico. In a sad coincidence, BSW PULLED PR from their games list on the very same day. The buzz is that the online rights to the game have been moved to another company. Perhaps Msoft for Xbox? Who knows. All we know is that we were left out.

We tried another version we found online, but had difficulty getting everyone hooked up. Installing new software during a vbgg session is always a bad idea. It's frustrating and time consuming. And usually doesn't work.

Pete was pulled out on a feline domestic disturbance. Dana, Bill and Karen moved back to Transamerica. No report on who won, so Pete's cats win by default.

1 comment:

Pete said...

My thoughts were confirmed. Microsoft picked up the rights to Puerto Rico.