Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Session Report April 11 2007 - Snowing on Catan

Settlers of Catan (Cities 3d 5 islands) Collin, Beth, Karen, Bill, Pete - Winner Beth

We got a nice big game using the the Cities3D interface. We thought we saw a couple bugs, but we managed to finish the game. We agreed that it would probably be better to stick with sea3d until cities3d moves forward a version or 3. Most notable was some turn skips (possible user errors, however) and the error message that pops up every time someone builds a city.

We played 5 islands, with every one pretty much staking out an island with one settlement, then invading someone else's with another. Pete was on the middle island. Early on, Pete held a good lead, but couldn't convert it in end game. The key is to set sail for the other islands, to get the landfall settlement victory point. Pete didn't, and it killed him.

The Fickle Finger of Fate poked Collin but good. A few turns of poor resource production allowed his nearby opponents to move into his space. Bitter was he. He actually made a decent showing given the dice cast him. But you can only go so far with limited land and resources.

Beth was a bit vested in 6's. And it paid off as 6's seemed to come up a lot. We missed the statistics chart that sea3d offers. End game saw Beth starting her turns with LOTS of resources. One turn with 27! With that kind of stockpile, it's no problem to keep your longest road and build a quick settlement for the win.

The game seemed to run a bit long. I think we need to play settlers a bit more, as we seemed to be a bit slow.

We also need to put some more miles on Bill's Cities and Knights of Catan expansion!

Pete is actively looking at the other BSW games. There are several more complex games that may be quite enjoyable for the VBGG. Given our normal 5-6 player group, that cuts out a bunch of the 4-player games....

Until next week!

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