Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Session Report: June 6 2006 - Bitte erbrechen Sie nicht sich auf dem Zug

Transamerica (Beth, Collin, Karen, Bill, Dana, Paul) - Winner Karen
Transamerica (Beth, Collin, Karen, Bill, Dana, Paul) - Winner Collin
Transamerica (Beth, Collin, Karen, Bill, Dana, Paul) - TIE Bill + Dana

Welcome to Paul, the newest VBGG! Paul is from the East. He is the mighty Alhambra builder. All hail!

The stars were not aligned correctly this night. We had a false start on San Juan, followed by issues with Pete's network. A couple false starts on Power Grid. AHH! Our multiple game starts annoyed some users, as we entered games with an automatic gameyell inviting some 600 players to join us. Ha.

Here's how to rectify that:

When you are the first one entering a room, you will click on the room.
Click, but don't let go! You will get a 3-option button. Select the top or the bottom choices, beitreten (join) or zusehen (watch). Don't select the middle option! If you do, you will invite all BSW players to join your game!

  • Beitreten (join): you join the game immediately.
  • Eröffnen (open): you join the game immediately and send a gameyell to find players at the same time, too
  • Zusehen (watch): you are only beamed to the game room.

For the VBGG, DON'T Eröffnen!!

Not that if you are simply /ghooking pete or something, you have nothing to worry about. It's Pete, that usually is first in the room, that was mucking things up!

The Game Manager is great. Read more about the Game Manager

Back to games -

We decided to take it easy on ourselves because of the time. That and a nice intro for Paul would be good. It's back to a nice easy game - Transamerica!

Round three falls right in Karen's lap, and leader Bill builds for 10 points. OW!

Gamemaster: The game begins! (Started by IceFire2112; with 6 players).
-- IceFire2112 achieved his goal.
-- Lamork achieved his goal.
-- Amazon4God achieved his goal.
-- Brilliantly, Amazon4God, scores 8 points, leaving the opponents no chance. (17:30 min.)

Game 2:

Game two pete is busy figuring things out, and Collin wins!

Wee hoo! I know it went 12:30 min.

Last game

-- Significantly, Lamork und fineltour, scores 7 points, leaving the opponents no chance. (23:41 min.)

It sure would be nice if Transamerica would sort of display everyone's scores. It doesn't in the text box, however, so I can't paste it into the report!

Pete's working on cleaning up the .prop file a little more. Stay tuned for updates!

See ya!

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