Monday, January 22, 2007

Session Report: January 17 2007 - Who's on first?

The Players: Dana, Bill, Karen and Beth Versus Pete

The Game: Guess Which Games We Played.

Skype Transcript, for your reading pleasure:

Pete: "So, what'd you guys play last Wednesday?"

Player 1: "Oh, you wanted to know that didn't you. Hmm... not sure."

Player 2: "Well, we did try to play Risk, but we didn't have a network engineer around."

Player 1: "Yeah, and I couldn't RTFM. Nor could I even find the router manual if I wanted to."

Pete: "Ah yes. Hosted games can be tricky. But for Risk, you just need to disengage the fimcombublator and set your forswanger to flibbith. Try that next time."

Player 1: "Riiight. That's helpful, Pete. Thanks a lot for that. Perhaps you would share your code on Days of Wonder, so we can play without you."

Pete: "Now why would I do that. Next thing I know you'll be wanting to borrow 20 bucks."

Player 2: "Well, yeah, but I'd buy a game with it!"

Pete rolls his eyes.

But seriously.....

Bill, Karen, Beth and Dana fired up Brettspielwelt for a game of piranha pedro and a few more games of Transamerica. Fun was had by all, as far as I can tell. Everybody won, except Pete who was suffering from a long day and a cold. He turned in early.

Oh! Lisa, Dana's better half, did join for a game of Transamerica as well. Welcome to the VBGG Lisa!

"See" you next week!

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