Monday, October 29, 2007

Session Report - October 24 2007 - German San Juans?

San Juan - Bill, Beth, Karen Dana - Winner Karen

While Pete was in Seattle (But not on the San Juan islands), the crew played Puerto Rico (But not in German).

But, here's the report, in German, anyway. :-)

On 10/25/07, Karen wrote:
Guten Morgen Pete!
Unser spiel var Puerto Rico. Es var fiele spass!
Meine Mann, Bill hat auch Risk gespielt im das geselbe ziet von wier haben Puerto Rico gespielt. Das is varum Bill hat nich gut getan.
Bis spater!

On 10/25/07, Pete wrote:
meine deutsch ist nicht so gut.

was spiel ist es.

tag von seattle

On 10/24/07, Karen Fitz La Barge wrote:
> -- fineltour erreichte 36 SP, davon 17 SP durch Gebaeude und 19 SP durch
> grosse Gebaeude.
> -- Lamork erreichte 35 SP, davon 22 SP durch Gebaeude und 13 SP durch grosse
> Gebaeude.
> -- Amazon4God erreichte 40 SP, davon 25 SP durch Gebaeude und 15 SP durch
> grosse Gebaeude.
> -- magennis erreichte 30 SP, davon 24 SP durch Gebaeude und 6 SP durch
> grosse Gebaeude.
> -- Super, Amazon4God, scores 40 points, leaving the opponents no chance.
> (56:20 min.)
> Sometimes being sick and not thinking too much about your strategy works.
> Build, build, build strategy takes the game again.
> K
> --


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Session Report - October 17 2007 - Watching The Detectives

Hoity Toity - Beth, Collin, Pete, Paul, Dana - Winner Collin

Paul, Pete, Bill and Karen started a nice peaceful game of San Juan, only to have BSW totally crash. Bummer! We gave up as Beth, Collin and Dana showed up.

The web-based game team (Pete, Dana, Karen and Bill) have been playing Hoity Toity this week. We thought it would play much better real time, so we tried it out.

Karen, Bill, Pete and Dana played at Table 1 (Not really a VBGG Wednesday night game, so I won't mention that Karen kicked our butts on that one), and Beth, Collin, Pete, Paul, and Dana sat at table 2. Yes, you read that right. Pete and Dana played two games of Hoity Toity at once. It was not pretty, as in the end game Pete played a Detective, when he should have exibited, costing him the game.

Well, maybe he threw it, just to give someone else a chance to win. Yeah, let's stick with that.

SpielByWeb is a valid engine for Wednesday night VBGG sessions. We hope to play more of the games there.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Session Report - October 10 2007 - Caylus? Where's that?

Slow start today, with BSW acting weird. Well, at least we'll blame them.

Table 1 Caylus - Karen, Bill, Paul, Pete - Winner Karen
Table 2 Caylus - Collin, Beth, Dana - Winner Dana

Table 1:

Karen moved in on the standard two factory strategy. Bill held off the other one, but it was enough to keep her flowing. A couple rounds of good money, and she cinched it.

Pete booked good points on a couple building builds, and the castle, moving him from last to second.

Paul says he needed just one more turn.

Karen 65
Pete 58
Paul 51
Bill 46

-- Without Amazon4God's 65 points, the game may never have ended so without equal. (114:47 min.)

Table 2:

Close game! Dana picked up 30 points in the end scoring. Very handy. Collin's happy with his game, doing pretty well on earlier castle builds, and building buildings. He made it into the blue buildings.

Oddly, they didn't use the inn at all, and only used turn order change once!

Dana - 96
Collin - 95
Beth - 57

-- Classy, fineltour smashed the opposition's hopes with 96 points. (114:26 min.)

Note that the two games finished within 21 seconds elapsed time.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

First SpielByWeb game Complete!

Greetings friendly Gamers!

The first VBGG sponsored pay-by-web game has been completed! Karen, Bill, Dana and Pete played a game of Tikal, and took 9 days to do it!

Dana scored very nicely in the last round to push Pete out of the lead:

Karen: 88
Bill: 77
Pete: 96
Dana: 107

We had a good time figuring out the game on our own for the first few days. The next game should be a little more interesting, as we all know how to play.

Tikal is a very nice game, with many decisions to make and strategies to follow. We think that the play-by-web system may work for a Wednesday night VBGG session. If anyone's interested in Learning and Playing Tikal, just let us know!

Go check out SpielByWeb. Playing games "offline" is sort of like communicating via Email instead of IM. It definitely has some benefits!

And now we have one more opportunity to play.

Anyone else interested in another SpielByWeb game? Tikal? Something Else?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Session Report: October 3, 2007 - Life of Brian

Transamerica (Brian, Dana, Karen) - Winner Brian
San Juan (Brian, Dana, Karen) - Winner Brian

Thanks to Karen for this session report!

The night belongs to Brian!

In a slow night where only three of the faithful decided to brave the fiber optic cables to join for VBGG, there was only to be one victor.

Brian put Dana and Karen away at Transamerica where he won overwhelmingly with 7 points.

Then Dana and Karen taught Brian San Juan. Brian caught on to the game strategy very quickly and built a quarry and a library in order to halve his building costs. Dana utilized the ever popular Chapel method, and tucked away a lot of the town's monuments in the chapel catacombs. The few monuments that slipped past Dana's catacomb collection tended to head over to Brian's corner, and he pulled off a triumphal arch trifecta with three monuments for an 8 point addition to his 40 point winning score. Karen's 37 points were made up of a couple of wandering monuments, a guild hall and palace that will come in handy as she heads inside to lick her wounds over this severe defeat!