Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Session Report - October 10 2007 - Caylus? Where's that?

Slow start today, with BSW acting weird. Well, at least we'll blame them.

Table 1 Caylus - Karen, Bill, Paul, Pete - Winner Karen
Table 2 Caylus - Collin, Beth, Dana - Winner Dana

Table 1:

Karen moved in on the standard two factory strategy. Bill held off the other one, but it was enough to keep her flowing. A couple rounds of good money, and she cinched it.

Pete booked good points on a couple building builds, and the castle, moving him from last to second.

Paul says he needed just one more turn.

Karen 65
Pete 58
Paul 51
Bill 46

-- Without Amazon4God's 65 points, the game may never have ended so without equal. (114:47 min.)

Table 2:

Close game! Dana picked up 30 points in the end scoring. Very handy. Collin's happy with his game, doing pretty well on earlier castle builds, and building buildings. He made it into the blue buildings.

Oddly, they didn't use the inn at all, and only used turn order change once!

Dana - 96
Collin - 95
Beth - 57

-- Classy, fineltour smashed the opposition's hopes with 96 points. (114:26 min.)

Note that the two games finished within 21 seconds elapsed time.

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