Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Session Report - March 19 2008 - Catan Online Elasund


Brian, Beth, Collin and Pete played Elasund with great success on COW. We had a great time! The game definitely takes a little longer with 4 than it does with two. But, still fun!

The Bug List:

On rare occasion the dialog menu may be missing. Very odd obscure bug. Happened to us 3 times. Once when Moving the robber (The move ship icon was missing, stuck on a pointer), and once when an OK dialog was supposed to appear after placing a permit. If you type in the chat window, it should come back. That fixed it for use easy.

We don't see how you can rotate the big building.

We don't see that it lets you build same-size buildings over each other.

When a row is full, and you roll that row, it still gives you the option to build a building permit on that row.

Anyway, All looks good until someone builds over your building! Then there you are, scrambling to get back in the lead!

Final Score:

Brian: 7
Beth: 10
Collin: 8
Pete: 8

Beth played very nicely with good production across the board, and nice 1/3 of the Church. It was once again a close game as pete was ready to win on the next round (if the gold came!)


Finished in about 2 hours, with a bit of analysis paralysis. Should be able to go a bit quicker with more plays.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Most of the "bugs" we found were not bugs, but bugs on us!

The biggest being that you cannot rotate the big buildings. That's a misprint in the game.