Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Session Report: July 12 2006 - Catan

July.12.2006 -
Settlers of Catan
- Charlie+Bill+Collin+Karen+Beth+Pete

- Winners Pete + Karen

Welcome Charlie, to the VBGG!

Game 1 was standard settlers as Bill played a game of PutElisaToBed. 5 player standard settlers makes for a very busy map. Pete played a "Ying-Yang" stragegy, by placing on Wood, with a rock port, and Rock, with a wood port. With dice in his favor there was no stopping him. With 20 cards in hand he played for largest army and a city upgrade for the win.

Game 2 on the big crazy 6 islands map. We started at about 10:30, and Karen held everyone to short turns. The game was proceeding nicely, but Karen set sail and planted a couple of settlements on neighboring islands. Easy victory points. That, coupled with a victory point card, gave her a commanding win. The game only lasted an hour. That's pretty sweet!

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