Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Session Report: July 18 2006 - Catan

July.18.2006 -
Settlers of Catan
- Bill+Karen+Pete+Collin
- Winners Pete + Collin

Game 1:

Bill, Karen and Pete played the 13 point sea map. Pete takes a risk playing his starting settlement/city on a poor number spread 6/9/4 and 6/9/5. Lucky for him, sixes were hot and eights were not. Bill, going first, got stuck with last city placement. He bet on 10 paying off for him. It was a cold year in the kingdom of Bill, as 10's were rolled maybe once.

Karen proceed to build longest road. And longer than longest road, then the longest longest road seen in some time. 19 miles long at the end, I think. The State of Florida Depart of Transportation would have been proud, as it continued right on to an island.

An early tit for tat between Bill and Karen might have been just enough to let Pete slip into an early city build. That got the resources raking in, with end game stats showing Pete producing twice as much as Bill. Ouch. Good die rolls kept Pete swimming in resources. Pete builds to an island and plays two victory cards for an end game win with one victory point to spare.

Game 2:

Report from Collin -

Collin finally gets online after a long day and finds that Karen is still
willing to play yet another game. A 2 player game on the standard settlers
map quickly starts. The clay was in short supply, and the die rolls made
wheat scarce. The robber runs rampant, cards are being stolen
everywhere. Collin manages to piece some roads together and build a
settlement on a rock port while Karen struggles for traction. This early
lead along with a victory point allows Collin to score a 10-5 win.

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